AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE: Second Term's Scheme of Work for SSS 1 – 3

Below is second term's Agricultural Science scheme of work for Senior Secondary Schools (SSS) 1 – 3.
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE: Second Term's Scheme of Work for SSS 1 – 3


Week 1: Anatomy and Physiology
I. Meaning of anatomy and physiology
II. Systems of the body:
– Digestive (monogastric and ruminant)
– Reproductive system 

Week 2: Systems of the Body of Farm Animals
Systems of the body:
– Circulatory system
– Respiratory system 
– Nervous system

Week 3: Reproduction in Farm Animals 
I. Oestrus cycle with emphasis on heat period 
II. Mating in farm animals 
III.Gestation period 
IV. Parturition 
V. Lactation and colostrums 

Week 4: Egg Formation in Poultry 
Processes of egg formation in poultry

Week 5: Role of Hormones in Reproduction 
The role of hormones in reproduction

Week 6: Livestock Management 
Livestock management techniques:
– Good housing 
– Feeding 

Week 7: Livestock Management 
Livestock management techniques:
– Hygiene
– Finishing 

Week 8: Husbandry of Pulses (Groundnut, Cowpea)
– Method of propagation
– Climatic and soil requirements
– Pre-planting and planting operations
– Manuring and fertilizer requirements
– Harvesting, processing and storage 

Week 9: Husbandry of Fibre Crops, e.g.,Cotton 
– Method of propagation
– Climatic and soil requirements
– Pre-planting and planting operations
– Manuring and fertilizer requirements
– Harvesting, processing and storage of fibre

Week 10: Rock Formation
I. Definition of rocks
II. Rock types: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic 
III. Rock formation processes/soil formation 

Week 11: Practical 
Identification of the various rock types

Week 12 – 13: Revision/Examination

ALSO SEE: Agricultural Science: First Term's Scheme of Work for SSS 1 -- 3


Week 1: Range Management and Improvement 
I. Definition of rangeland
II. Importance of rangeland 
III. Characteristics of rangeland

Week 2: Rangeland Improvement 
Methods of rangeland improvement:
– Controlled stocking 
– Rotational grazing 
– Use Fertilizers 
– Reseeding etc.

Week 3: Animal Nutrition 
I. Definition and meaning of nutrition 
II. Sources and functions of nutrients, e.g., carbohydrates, data, minerals, vitamins, water and proteins

Week 4: Rations
I. Types of ration: balanced ration etc.
II. Malnutrition 
III. Effects of malnutrition 

Week 5: Environmental Factors Affecting Agricultural Production 
Climatic factors: rainfall, temperature, light, and wind 

Week 6: Biotic Factors Affecting Agricultural Production 
Biotic Factors: predator, parasites, soil micro organisms, pests and disease organisms etc.

Week 7: Edaphic Factors Affecting Agricultural Production 
Edaphic Factors: Soil types, soil PH, soil texture etc.

Week 8: Plant Nutrients 
Definition of micro and macro nutrients, functions and deficiency symptoms 

Week 9: Factors Influencing Availability of Nutrients 
Factors: Soil PH, excess of other nutrients, leaching, crop removal, oxidation etc.

Week 10: Methods of Replenishing Plant Nutrients in the Soil 
Methods of replenishing plant nutrients:
– Rotational cropping 
– Organic manuring
– Inorganic manuring 
– Fallowing 
– Liming
– Cover cropping etc.

Week 11: Nutrients Cycles 
I. Nitrogen cycle
II. Carbon cycle
III. Water cycle 

Week 12: Effects of Farming Practices on the Soil
Farming practices and the soil effects:
– Bush burning 
– Over-grazing 
– Clean clearing 
– Stumping 
– Fertilizer application 
– Inorganic manuring etc.

Week 13 – 14: Revision/Examination 


Week 1: Marketing of Agricultural Produce 
I. Meaning and importance of marketing 
II. Marketing agents:
a. Marketing boards 

Week 2: Marketing of Agricultural Produce II
I. Marketing agents:
b. Cooperative societies 
c. Middlemen– wholesalers, retailers
d. Producers etc.

Week 3: Agricultural Extension 
I. Agricultural extension as a teaching and learning process
II. Agricultural extension programmes, e.g., ADP
III. Diffusion of new ideas and techniques  (innovations) to farmers 

Week 4 – 5: Revision/Examination 

Tamuno Reuben

Those who seek knowledge seek power because the pen is mightier than the sword.


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