25 Reasons We Love English Language Teachers

25 Reasons We Love English Language Teachers

1. They open students' eyes and minds to a new world.

2. They celebrate the smallest milestones with their students.

3. They communicate with students who often don't speak their language.

4. They can speak more than one language.

5. Sometimes, they can listen to awkward translations without cracking a smile.

6. They can spot a misspelt word from a million miles away.

7. They know the difference between past tense, present tense, and future tense.

8. They can conjugate verbs in their sleep.

9. They let students watch TV shows in class for the sake of learning.

10. They let students listen to popular music in class for the sake of learning.

11. They let students watch movies in class for the sake of learning.

12. They have an archive of movie clips to teach nearly every element of grammar.

13. They know the difference between 'who' and 'whom' without having to look it up.

14. They have a perfect pronoun-antecedent agreement in their sentences.

15. They know the meaning of every idiom under the sun.

16. They appreciate a punny joke for its play on words.

17. They have mastered the art of talking about nearly every topic.

18. They are great at role-playing.

19. They often have to teach more than one subject.

20. They embrace the culture of their students.

21. They embrace the culture of the language they teach.

22. They are champions for diversity.

23. They recognize the value of seeing the world.

24. They come up with creative ways of teaching English.

25. They know the best place to find English language learning materials! 

English language teachers are really amazing. A big thanks to all English language teachers.

Source: Teaching Revolution

Tamuno Reuben

Those who seek knowledge seek power because the pen is mightier than the sword.

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