'The Many Sins of Buhari (as compiled)' by Barr. Itsede Kingsley Okhai

"The Many Sins of Buhari (as compiled)" by Barr. Itsede Kingsley Okhai

1. He made Nigeria the poverty capital of the world

2. He brought recession

3. While Obasanjo removed Nigeria from debt, he plunged Nigeria back into debt

4. The Nigerian president who on national TV said he would not obey court orders

5. The most tribalistic Nigerian president ever

6. He uses state apparatus to protect his friends while punishing and prosecuting his enemies

7. He pretends to be poor while his family lives in luxury

8. He spent almost his entire tenure blaming past governments except himself

9. He has no knowledge of economics

10. He admitted he has no knowledge of how to make money

11. Over eleven million Jobs lost under his watch

12. Herdsmen killing rose under his watch

13. He could not start and complete even a single project throughout his tenure

14. He told lies about his educational qualification

15. He said he was only going to run for a single tenure

16. His party introduced vote buying into Nigerian political lexicon

17. He used police to threaten voters and intimidate them to secure electoral victories.

18. He rules with an "I don't care' attitude"
19. He only grants interview to foreign journalists.

20. He insults and de-markets the country when he travels abroad

21. He built no single hospital

22. He enjoys foreign health facilities while his people die in dilapidated hospitals

23. He failed to disclose his ailment as it's done in transparent governments all over the world

24. He failed to disclose the source of funding of his foreign medical treatments

25. Under his watch, Transparency International said that the country's corruption index rose from 136th to 148th in the world

26. He destroyed almost all the free and fair electoral gains of the past administrations

27. He runs a govt of 'blame game'

28. He considers himself above the Law and can jettison the justice system to be subservient to his ideas

29. He recruited one of the most incompetent persons to serve as Ministers

30. He recruited certificate forgers and Law breakers to serve as Ministers

31. He appointed dead people into federal parastatals

32. He likes appointing old people to sensitive offices

33. He believes on the superiority of his ethnic group or region to other regions

34. He introduced Double digit inflation to the country

35. He banned relevant items without a good plan of how to locally substitute them

36. The currency of the country was devalued under his watch as the currency lost more than 50% of its value on just few months

37. Under his watch, the stock exchange lost more than 50% of its value

38. He Encourages World leaders to deport citizens of his country that fled the country

39. They have to interpret English into English to him

40. He runs away from intellectual discussions like debates

41. He never established a single business close to thirty years after leaving power

42. He never wrote a single book, a sign of a dormant brain

43. He never improved himself academically thirty years after leaving power

44. He never suggested to any leader an idea as to how to make the nation better

45. All he did when he lost election was to threaten the country

46. Lives are always lost due to his comments whenever he loses elections

47. The only leader in the history of the country to appoint someone of his ethnic group to hold the office of the national  electoral umpire

48. The only leader in the history of the country to appoint people of his tribe, ethnic group or region to head nearly all the security and intelligence agencies in the country

49. His appointees have no regard to other arms of govt like the senate and House of Representatives

50. The only leader that retains his appointees to govt offices even when the senate refuses to confirm them or outrightly rejects the confirmation of such persons

51. The only leader in the history of the country to openly admit that he shall somewhat favour the regions that voted for him

52. He would remember your 'sins' when you speak ill of him

53. He is never aware of anything under his watch

54. His govt reinstated the pension thief

55. His Minister of state for petroleum blew the whistle on illegal oil contract worth $25billion done by the head of the country oil corporation yet he neither probed it nor removed the head of the oil corporation

56. His kitchen cabinet member spent N200million to cut grass at IDP camp. After public outcry, up till now the man has not appeared in court

57. His country men heard about Budget padding for the first time under his watch

58. Journalists were arrested and detained for publishing the truth under his watch
59. High ranking public office holders were tear-gassed for protesting peacefully under his watch

60. The only leader in the history of the country whose wife told an international news agency that she shall not come out and campaign for him in the next election if things continue like that

Same Buhari wants to remain President till 2023. Let's not allow affliction to rise the second time.

Tamuno Reuben

Those who seek knowledge seek power because the pen is mightier than the sword.

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