Every English user needs
to know this linguistic version of Psalm 23. It should be your prayer as you
learn and use the language. Remember, prayer is the key.
The Linguistic Version of
Psalm 23:1 – 6
1. English is
my shepherd; I shall not misuse concord.
2. She makes me to lie
down in the field of Modern English Grammar. She leads me
beside phrases and clauses.
3. She restores my grammatical
names and functions: she leads me in the paths of Phonetics and
Phonology for pronunciation's sake.
4. Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of Advanced Syntax, I will fear
no tree diagram: for Chomsky and Halliday are
with me; their theories and analysis comfort me.
5. They prepared TGG and SFL in
the presence of my Modern English Structure. They anointed my Morphology with Semantics;
my syntactic analysis became meaningful.
6. Surely, good Composition and
excellent public speaking shall follow me all the days of my language use, and
I shall forever dwell in tabernacle of Linguistics. Amen!
The Meanings of the
TGG – Transformational
Generative Grammar.
SFL – Systemic Functional
May this new month favour
you and yours!