How and when to use 'some' and 'any' in sentences to express the quantity/amount of something

Most English users completely lack clarity as regards when and how to use some and any to express the quantity or amount of something, especially money. Thus they use these words interchangeably without a second thought. This article is written to tackle this friendly problem. Lol! Of course, it is friendly. Until you see a problem as a problem, it is still friendly. Perhaps you will realise it is a problem after reading this article. But it will be a problem solved. Are you ready to sail with me? Let's cruise!

How and when to use "some" and "any" in sentences to express the quantity of something

These words (some and any) are used to express quantity, to say or ask if you have a quantity of something or not. However, they differ in terms of usage.

"Some" is used in positive or affirmative sentences to talk or ask about an uncertain quantity of something or a considerable amount of something. In other words, you use "some" when referring to the quantity of something which you have or is available.
1. Tammy has some money in his pocket.
2. I have seen some women in the hall.
3. Do you have some books for me?
4. There are some mangoes in the basket.

On the other hand, any is used in negative and interrogative sentences. If you don't have something, it is appropriate to use any instead of some when expressing the quantity of something.
1. Tammy does not have any money.
2. I don't have any children.
3. There isn't any reason to worry.

1. Tammy does not have some money.
2. There aren't some reasons to worry.
3. Tammy has any pen in his pocket.

Will you give me some of the textbooks?

i. Yes, I will give you some.
ii. No, I won't give you any.

In sum, use "some" and "any" in positive and negative sentences respectively.

Tamuno Reuben

Those who seek knowledge seek power because the pen is mightier than the sword.

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